<------ my school, Vinilugaza. Today is Tuesday. Once again I am in Cafe Los Cuiles, though I am glad to say that when I moved into a different room in Perla's house yesterday, my computer began picking up a wireless connection (hooooray!). I feel more connected now and it makes the times that I am alone, a little bit easier to be able to email, or send instant messages. Last night for dinner, Perla made a soy dish with Oaxacan flavors, peppers, etc... She even served us brown rice. She tends to buy organic food if possible and I can tell that she is a healthy eater. So far I have liked all of her food, except for breakfast, which was my problem because I don't like plain yogurt or mango, and so that was served with granola. Breakfast today was YUMMY... she made whole wheat pancakes with banana and organic syrup. Delish! This isn't at all how I thought I'd be eating here in Oaxaca. I also have included a picture of my plate from yesterday of the empanadas (only 1 is left here). The cheese here is very different from hom
After dinner, Mike and I ventured out after the rain (I am sensing a pattern with rain here during the summer months). Now I will plan accordingly. We walked not too far to the zocolo, the city center, for what was supposed to be a festival for the Guelegetza. We saw fireworks, but since there had been a lot of rain, it seemed that most of the people were gone. This being the center of town, I'm sure I'll be back many times. By the time we got back it was 10:30 so I painstakingly did my homework (with a dictionary close at hand), and went to bed.
Now today... I met another guy named Mike. He was at the school and I started talking to him (see? I can do it!) because he has the same Macbook that I have and I told him about the free wireless at the cafe I had been going to. Actually my reason for going to the school this afternoon was to talk to the director to see if I can get out of my 3rd hour spanish class because I DON'T LIKE the teacher. She talks WAY too fast and I don't understand her. Plus, she's boring and doesn't smile. My teacher in the morning, Andres, is very friendly. This morning we played that game where you get a person's name that is written on a slip of paper and you don't know which one you are, and you have to stick it on your head and ask questions about who you are. Ironically, today I was Arnold Schwarzenegger. Very funny. It was a blast and from a teacher's perspective, a great way to learn conversational skills. But the teacher in the 3rd hour, just makes us read our homework out loud while she corrects it in front of everyone. Then for fun she asks us to describe someone else's essay. Like to check a) if you were paying attention (which inevitably I am not), and b) to check our comprehension (which I usually don't). Sound like fun????? Today I felt totally deflated and was ready to quit. So I decided that I am not going to her class anymore. I am going to ask Enrique the director if I can have a private lesson for that hour (for obviously more well-spent money). So... back to the new Mike... cute, from San Diego, goes to grad school at Columbia, a photographer... blah blah, nice guy, young. Nevertheless he joined me at the cafe to meet my room mate Mike and we all three hung out this afternoon. Tonight after dinner we are all meeting up to go a Mezcal Festival (free samples of a tequila-like alcohol). Yikes!!! Must remember to drink lots of water before I go to bed tonight. I hope we'll be able to find out way back tonight...
So, apparently I look like a tourist when I am walking around because I am looking at everything around me. I guess he's right, but how else can I learn my surroundings. Plus everything is so colorful and animated. It's gorgeous and ugly all at the same tim
This last picture may be hard to see, and you have to turn your head to the left, but it is of my private bathroom in Perla's house. Notice how lucky I am to be able to sit on the toilet AND take a shower at the SAME time. Not every house in America has this added convenience. Seriously... we should consider this when building. Adios! Hasta manana!
Holly! Que bien que estes en Oaxaca! Tengo muchos celos! Me encanta tu blog y I know that you are going to have just a great time! :o), Dory