Friday, March 21, 2008

A Dream Realized

Last night, after I posted, I went out to the most wonderful meal with Penny and Pete for dinner. They informed me from the start that they were insisting to buy my dinner, so to feel free to order whatever I wanted, and no argument about the bill. It was a kind gesture and after I insisted on the opportunity to reciprocate in some way, we walked to about 20 minutes to Il de St. Louis, to a tiny restaurant called L'Ilot Vache (the "something" cow... doesn't translate on google translate). We got the Prix Fix meal and truthfully, everything was very good, until I got to the dessert which was GREAT! They served Berthillon ice cream, a Parisian treat, and pure yummy goodness! I was stuffed, and this definitely was NOT Weight Watcher friendly, but once again... worth it. We drank 2 bottles of wine (white of course) and laughed, told stories and reminisced about the past when her son and I were such good friends. I spent lots of time at their house and we had a lot of memories their family. It was great fun and such a treat to be able to share this time with them in Paris!!

We got back around 11:30 pm (my latest night out in Paris), and I was wide awake till nearly 2:00 am, only to be abruptly awoken at 8am by a package being delivered here to the apartment. I thought speaking French while awake is difficult... try half asleep over an inter
com. Yikes! I never quite got back to sleep so I lounged around awhile and got myself going by 11:00am. Today's agenda: unknown!

I ended up hopping on the subway in the direction of Galleries Lafayette to shop (why? I hate shopping!). It was drizzly and windy today and to say my feet are sore would be an
understatement. No blisters or anything, just "over-used" rubbed spots on some out of shape feet. Not good...

After the overwhelming mass of shoppers in the 6 floored department store, I hopped back on the subway and went over to the Champs E'lysee. Another overcrowded shopping mess but now it was raining harder and blowing so hard
that using an umbrella was impossible. Uncomfortable for sure... but still... uncomfortable in Paris= not too shabby. I ate a quick panini lunch and made my way to L'Arc de Triomphe which I only snapped a quick photo and dashed back down into the subway to escape the blustery, rainy ickiness.

Next stop, Place du Concorde (????), the Truillere Garden and
the Musee L'Orangerie to see the Monet Waterlillies. Fast forward an hour, I realized I left my "waste of money" Museum pass back at the apartment and I wasn't going to wait in the long line, so I opted for a seat in a chair in front of a pond in the gardern (it was now sunny and delightful). I'm getting a little bit better at asking people to take photos of me. Today I asked 3 people... not too hard. Now I have a total of 5 photos of me in Paris!

After my feet couldn't take a bit more walking, I once again hopped on a subway (I'm getting pretty good at it now). Thankful to be back and able to take off my formerly comfortable shoes, I rested for a bit on the couch. Then... I opted to do some reading from my book (Eat Pray Love... which I am SOOO LOVING right now!) but chose to go down to Le Bastille Cafe outside my apartment. It was while I was sitting at a table, outside, under a heater, drinking my cafe creme and ea
ting pomme frites (NOT WW friendly), that I realized it... THIS is the dream I had that brought me here to Paris!!! This is exactly what I saw in my previous dreams; sitting in a cafe, watching people rush by, drinking expresso... all of it! I couldn't believe it! Again, I got tears in my eyes, a lump in my throat, and a smile on my face. This is why I came here... (cue the Les Miz music in the background).

So, when the fries ran out, the coffee was gone and the Les Miz music in my head went away, I walked over to the marche (market) for some soap and a look-see and what they had there. I bought some French cookies for the kids, and the soap I was looking for, and went back to the crash pad. It wasn't more than 2 hours when I got a hankering for some sushi, and wouldn't you know, there was a cool place around the corner I found called "Planet Sushi". I read about it in my book; it's one of those revolving sushi places but so cute and funky, that I sucked it up and went and sat at the sushi bar, ON MY OWN. I had some Parisian sushi, which coincidentally tastes stunningly just like Westside sushi. Hmmmm...???....!!!! I drank wine and ate a bunch of plates from the conveyor belt, bubble covered plates that were going around and around. After I was sufficiently sick of sitting by myself the owner came and spoke to me in French and I just stared back at him blankly. I don't know why I couldn't remember how to say "je ne parle francais", so I just smiled and nodded. Turns out he was asking me to move over one seat so a couple could fit in. Nice! Thank goodness a woman took pity on me and told him that clearly I didn't speak French. In embarrassment, I told him I was ready for the bill, and got the heck out of there. I guess raw fish makes you forgot barely-known foreign languages... or maybe it was the wine???? Perhaps...

Now I'm here in the apartment, about to watch a dvd on my laptop. I think tonight will be the appropriately titled: Paris, Je T'aime. Bonsoir!


  1. Your anecdotes make me smile and enjoy my much-hated pumping sessions in the middle of the night. I envy your freedom, bravery, and spontaneity my dear friend. C'est la vie!


  2. I LOVE your realization of your dream come true - soooo cool!!! Keep soaking it all up!

  3. I feel the same way about France! Sounds like you are having the trip of a lifetime. -melissa


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